How to understand the new labelling of chemicals GHS and CLP
A better analysis for a better enforcement
Authors: François Burgher, Laurence Mathieu, Joël Blomet
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The recommendations of the Globally Harmonized System introduced by the United Nations have been included into the new European regulation (called CLP 1272/2008) for the classification, the labelling and the packaging of chemical substances and mixtures. REACH also brings along its share of directives.
This will result in a progressive upheaval of the usual habits of the area of chemical products labelling:
- Replacement of the former pictograms (squares with orange background) by new showing black symbol on a white background with a red frame, shape of a square set at a point.
- Evolution of the definitions and of the limits of classification in a “universal” harmonized way
- Partial rewriting of the hazard and precautionary statements
- Modification and refocusing of the section of the Material Safety Data Sheets…
In this situation, all the actors in charge of the prevention in the working environment cannot spend the time necessary for an exhaustive and technical approach of all those new data.