DIPHOTERINE® All-in-one case
Why should we have different DIPHOTERINE® solution packaging at our disposal?
Following a chemical splash, various areas of the body can be affected : eyes or skin, from small to extensive surfaces.
Easily identifiable, the all-in-one DIPHOTERINE® case contains several packaging including a shower DAP (5L to wash up to a full body), two eyewashes LPM (500mL) and a Mini Dap spray (200mL to wash a hand or a face).
Thus, it permits to answer to any situation of chemical contact by offering the packaging adapted to any situation.
How does it work?
The physical and chemical properties of DIPHOTERINE® solution allow mobile packaging for rinsing in the event of chemical splash on humans in any situation.
Four characteristics give it its activity on chemical splashes:
- DIPHOTERINE® solution is versatile
- DIPHOTERINE® solution is liquid
- DIPHOTERINE® solution limits the chemical’s penetration
- DIPHOTERINE® solution stops the chemical’s aggressiveness
PREVOR products do not contain any phosphates.
The presence of phosphates in a solution prevents its use on certain products (e.g. lime, cement, etc…). Certain studies have shown that side effects due to phosphates can occur in some cases. Prevor in its desire for universality has always worked without phosphates.
• Contains:
o A portable shower (DAP 5 litres) for full body rinsing
o Two 500 ml bottles (LPMD) of Diphoterine® solution intended for eye rinsing
o One 200 ml Mini DAP of Diphoterine® solution to decontaminate small splashes to the skin (equivalent to a face or an arm)
o One bottle of AFTERWASH II® solution: isotonic solution to be used after rinsing with DIPHOTERINE® – HEXAFLUORINE® solution to return to physiological osmotic pressure or for rinsing in the event of a non-chemical foreign body
• Transportable
• Sterile
• Class 2A medical device
• Complies with standard EN 15154-3 and EN 15154-4
• CE marking compliance
• Available in fixed and heated version